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Dr. Kishore Kumar K

Governing Body

Naseeha C P

Anjana S

Sneha Rajeev


Athira P ( 3rd Year )

Programme Controller

Shelly E P ( 2nd Year )

Student Co-ordinators

Jithin V (1st Year )

Anamika C. S (2nd Year )

Anamika P(1st Year )

Event Direction

Jithin V

Time Management

Malavika, Farhath,Rinsha


Anamika P

Registration & Attendance

Jaseela, Nidha KK, Farhana Sherin, Athira P

AVT and Smart Room Management

Aisha, Farhath, Shelly EP

Public Advertisement

Haroonshah, Favaz Mohemmad AF


Amar P, Aiswarya, Athulya

Decoration & Stage Designing

Aisha, Fidha M K, Shahma


Rumaiza, Haroon Shah, Rincy

Digital Quizzing

Adila, Dilsha


Shelly E P, Aswin C

Cash Award

Jebin Farsana


Myristica'17  - The Botanical Fiesta originated from a casual talk among students.

The concept was nurished by the influence of Dr. K. Kishore Kumar,

Our HOD, Dept. of Botany, Farook College.

The event is funded by Sahyadri Club & Botany Association of Our Dept.

The Successful programme  was organised by the team.

“It was a wonderful experience.

I am thanking everyone behind the programe for giving me an unforgetable day”

- Dr. A. P Rashiba

Faculty, Dept. of Zoology

“The program was awesome. My hearty thanks.”

- Hanan P. T.

(Title Winner, The Big Quiz)

Dept. of Statistics

“Even though the Questions were greenish, most of them are very relevant in contemporary issues..”

- Shamna Mariyam

Faculty, Dept. of English

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